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Friday 8 March 2013

Silver Linings Playbook 失戀自作業

其實這套戲上年年尾已經在外國上映。在年尾出正面的電影是很有鼓勵性的,激勵人為新的一年從頭開始。香港的檔期卻在情人節,而電影的中文名《失戀自作業》實在翻譯得非常敗筆,令人覺得它是一場商業化的情情塔塔爛片。只是戲名,我已經無興趣看。百老匯電影中心上畫幾星期就落畫了,但當Jennifer Lawrence奪得三個best actress 的獎項,《失戀自作業》就再次上畫。我沒有看過《Hunger Games》,實在不知道這小妮子的演技到家了沒有,這令我更好奇,要入場看看,一探虛實。
老實說,看完後有點失望。男女主角都不是演得特別好,雖然看得出他們都很努力,而且演有精神病的角色並不容易,情緒要有很大的波幅的同時,又要輕鬆搞笑浪漫地交代劇情,對只有21歲的Jennifer Lawrence是很大的挑戰!儘管演技上不是太好,我都沒有後悔看這部電影,因為我很喜歡這個故事和故事帶出的一些意義。
可能有部分人覺得Pat(Bradley Cooper飾演)面對的打擊只不過是妻子背夫偷漢,捉姦在床,不少人都有同樣的經歷,人生就是這樣,硬著頭皮也要啃下去。但Pat精神崩潰,在精神康復中心一邊服藥,一邊接受輔導,待了八個月,在眾人眼中是一個失敗者。但我看見的並不是這樣。他不是承受不了人生挫折的壓力,他是在承受壓力的同時,在跟病魔打仗,對付雙極障礙(Bipolar Disorder),他是在跟自己競賽,要戰勝自己的遺傳基因,靠自己的意志戰勝自己的身體。我覺得他十分強,他把人生真正地活出來。比起那些健康的傢伙,自以為自己有能耐抵受人生的任何起跌,其實,只不過,他們不知道自己應付的苦是比Pat要面對的少很多很多。

有精神疾病無需自憐自棄。Tiffany(Jennifer Lawrence飾演)有句對白,我相信看過戲的人都會記得。
“I was a big s*ut, but I’m not anymore. There’s always going to be a part of me that’s sloppy and dirty, but I like that, with all the other parts of myself. Can you say the same about yourself f**ker? Can you forgive? Are you any good at that?”
Pat的父親(Robert de Niro飾演)的極度迷信及強逼症obsessive-compulsive disorder也是一個十分突出的角色,那嗜賭心態接近病態賭徒。
全部人都有精神病,但他們都有著可愛的性格,儘管在掙扎求存,辛苦地適應,但非常有色彩和真實,比精神健康的有更美麗的人格。可能只有有病的才會同意我這個想法,又或者有親人是有精神病的,好比導演David O. Russell執導這個故事,都是因為他bipolar加強逼症的兒子。
“Life is hard, and children have to be told how hard life can be…So they will be sympathetic to others. So they will understand that some people have it harder than they do and that a trip through this world can be a wildly different experience, depending on what chemicals are raging through one’s mind.”
As the proverb says: Every cloud has a silver lining.


  1. 呢個好睇!
    [版主回覆05/15/2013 18:00:29]cant agree anymore

  2. 請問tiffany 是否代Patrick 的太太寫信覆Patrick?
    [海沙回覆03/19/2013 21:12:43]吾該曬
    [版主回覆03/19/2013 21:01:54]對呀!

  3. 今天看完早場,有兩幕觸動我,一是二人坐在跳舞房,一同投入聽音樂,他們各自想起自己的最愛 看似無助無奈,其實他們是靠自力去更新 希望能走出負面情緒的陰霾!二是爸爸對兒子說自己只照顧大哥而忽略他,令他有情緒病,感到內疚!我俾四粒星,很好!女主角清純 但有点狂野,男主角很有型,而那背夫偷漢的妻子 ,我對她一点好感都沒有!!!

  4. 我覺得應該是男主角和扮演他母親的女演員拿奧斯卡哩。
    [版主回覆03/19/2013 21:01:13]我也很喜歡演母親的演員

  5. I agree with your analysis. Life is tough for those genetically more disposed to certain mental disorders. But often it takes a certain "madness" to expose and make us see rather more clearly the "rationalized bullshitty illusions" of the conventionally "normal" and it takes a great deal more courage to face ourselves as we "are" and not as we "imagine" ourselves to "be" or in accordance with the "image" we project for the consumption of the eyes. of "the others"
    [版主回覆03/19/2013 21:14:55]the funny thing is 'what we really are' is never equal to 'what we imagine ourselves to b' and/or ' the image we project'

  6. 我未看這套戲 值得看嗎?
    [版主回覆03/15/2013 15:52:07]I like it but not sure if it's ur type of movie. Perhaps watch it without expectation, see if u get anything outta it

  7. 撇除刻意觀看演員演技, 整齣戲的訊息俱好正面; 只係對於中文戲名的取向.....亦有點費解, 等同韓片"我愛瘋sex", 片名趕客但觀看過後又唔錯.
    [版主回覆03/11/2013 00:36:14]Not only the Chinese name, the trailer is also giving a 趕客feel

  8. JL只是表現一般, 未至於值得奪取影后寶座.
    [版主回覆03/11/2013 00:34:02]Yes agree! This is also what director Russell wanna stress on, the family bonding. I'm sure he has a lot of issues with his bipolar n OCD son

  9. I think the film is beautifully acted. I know several people with bipolar disorder in real life and I am totally convinced by the acting. They are very similar!!! It is like a whirlpool with a very strong negative force. Everyone around the patient will be dragged into it!!!
    [版主回覆03/11/2013 15:20:37]haha so i really bumped into u that day
    [Kenji Chan回覆03/11/2013 13:56:00]I think I was, but I could not recall the movie I watched on that day.
    [版主回覆03/11/2013 00:32:14]Actually, I like to watch movies with psychiatric elements in it. A dangerous method is one of them. Btw, were u at Yau ma tei broadway cinema on Wed?

  10. 原來套戲咁有意思,我都想睇下~
    [小詩回覆03/11/2013 18:50:23]i do not work in psychiatric ward in the last clinical placement, may be we will go next year:)
    [版主回覆03/11/2013 00:38:36]I dunno if u have been in the psychiatric ward before during your training. I'm sure that will b a special experience
    [版主回覆03/11/2013 00:28:09]U r right! Trailer also very 情情塔塔。but try to look at it from a psychiatric angle.

  11. 電影係好地區性的. 獎同好壞唔一定有關的. 九成的電影都只是一般的了
    [土☆星人回覆03/10/2013 11:11:43]just a bit? heehee
    [版主回覆03/10/2013 10:58:29]A bit overrated I would say

  12. Excelsior...
    It seems that Pat did take the pills, even in 精神康復...
    [小白回覆03/11/2013 18:26:48]Yes, I mean " didn't ", typo last time.
    Wonder why Jennifer Lawrence is awarded the BEST ACTRESS
    Anyway, I don't watch a lot of movies.
    About actor, I was most impressed by Uggie, the doggie in 'The Artists' last year.
    [版主回覆03/10/2013 10:50:48]Do u mean 'didn't'? Later on during home stay, he took it because of his mum n many others who love him
